Nordic Network for Nurse Research
Call for abstracts, NRI-Conference May 12-14 2014
NRI-Nursing hereby invites nursing researchers from hospitals in the Nordic Countries to submit an abstract for the annual NRI-Conference that will take place from May 12th to May 14th, 2014. Main theme - Patient centered Clinical Nursing Research. By submitting an abstract for an oral presentation you will have the opportunity to present and discuss your research with nursing research colleagues.
The NRI-Nursing program is integrated in the overall program for the NRI-Conference as a special nursing research session and will take place on May 13th from 16.00 to 18.00 and on May 14th from 08.30 to 12.45. The submission deadline is set to be March 15th, 2014. Please find more information about the submission of abstracts following the link and more information about NRI-Nursing network itself below.
Information on Call for abstracts
NRI-Nursing Regulations 2013, download
The Nordic Health Research and Innovation Network – Nursing (NRI-Nursing) was established in May 2013 and is a new network in the main association of Nordic Health Research and Innovation Networks (NRI-Networks) (Kvinnsland 2013). The purpose is to establish a network of nursing researchers at Nordic university and region hospitals, where researchers can meet to share the latest clinical nursing research knowledge and discuss current as well as future opportunities and challenges. Capacity building is very important for nursing researchers in clinical practice, as supervision, mentorship, and new knowledge are essential for leading nursing research in the future, as well as maintaining quality of care and patient safety (Severinsson 2013). NRI-Nursing seeks to address such future needs by formalizing clinical research collaboration among Nordic nurse researchers.
The overall goal of NRI-Networks is to ensure the best possible health services for everybody in the Nordic countries. Thus professional and high quality nursing care, performed in close cooperation with healthcare professionals of all categories, is essential. NRI-Nursing strives to contribute to that by promoting better clinical nursing practice built on active research and innovation throughout the Nordic region.
In order to promote better clinical nursing practice built on patient safety, evidence-based research, innovation, and collaboration throughout the Nordic region the mission of NRI-Nursing is to:
- Learn from each other
- Use each other
- Promote scholarly collaboration
Delegates - Members
All nursing researcher from hospitals in the Nordic countries are invited to join NRI-Nursing.
The members of NRI-Nursing are organized at a Nordic and a national level. The backbone of NRI-Nursing is the working group. All five Nordic countries are represented in the working group by one or two delegates who represent their national group. The working group has one chairman and one deputy chairman. The chairman has specific responsibility for leading and coordinating the work, both internally in NRI-Nursing and externally in the main association NRI-Networks.
To achieve the overall goal of NRI-Networks, the working group’s main task is to establish and maintain the strength and unity of NRI-Nursing. The working group seeks to promote clinical nursing research and innovation in all five Nordic Countries. Thus, the aim of the working group is to involve nursing researchers from all university and regional hospitals in the five Nordic countries. The working group delegates also serve as catalysts by initiating task forces, in which nursing researchers in the national groups collaborate with nursing colleagues in the other Nordic countries.
As a strong and acknowledged team comprising the best clinical researchers, NRI-Networks can have an impact on the politics, organization, financing, and implementation of health research and innovation at the Nordic hospitals. Thus the focus of the scholarly collaboration and joint research projects is both at the concrete level of nursing care in clinical practice and at the socially superordinate level (Scheel, Pedersen, Rosenkrands 2008). In order to develop best nursing practice it is important to understand nursing research and what nursing practice means to the people involved. However, at all times nurses should to question the context and the environment in which the nursing practice takes place in order to understand their tasks, and develop practice in line with societal development.
Collaborative activities
The delegates strengthen NRI-Nursing by their collaboration in the working group, as well as being active members of the national networks they represent, and the task forces relevant to them. The delegates’ main tasks are to:
- Continuously maintain information and communication between the members of the national networks as well as their co-delegates in the task forces and the working group.
- Ensure an arena in which nursing researchers from all the Nordic countries can meet to share the latest knowledge and discuss current as well as future opportunities and challenges. The arena can be part of the annual NRI-Conference.
- Collaborate at network meetings in order to establish, or contribute to the establishment of task forces for concrete joint research projects - research programs, PhD seminars/workshops, PhD students’ study visits, etc.
Between annual conferences, working group, and task forces meetings, the collaboration can be supported by Skype meetings, video conferences and e-mail. Task force and network meetings can be organized by delegates of the working group, by a task force at Nordic level, as well as by members of the national groups. Potential first step NRI-Nursing joint research projects:
- Capacity building across hospitals in the Nordic countries
- Clinical nursing care: focus on the core of the subject areas in the nursing profession
- A systematic investigation of the prevalence and location of Nordic nurses with a PhD
- Multi center research
- The importance of not creating boundaries, but ensuring collaboration with other professional categories; focusing on the care of the ill and vulnerable patient.
Kvinnsland, S. (2013). NRI Networks. Nordic Health Research And Innovation Networks. CEO Haukeland University Hospital. Chairman of NRI Board. (Fact sheet)
Scheel, M. E. Pedersen, B. D. Rosenkrands, V. (2008). Interactional nursing - a practice-theory in the dynamic field between the natural, human and social sciences. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 629-636.
Severinsson, E. (2013). Focus on nursing research in the Nordic countries. PowerPoints presented at NRI Conference, Bergen, Norway, May 8.